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RRID:SCR_008033 RRID Copied      
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Gene Regulation Databases (RRID:SCR_008033)
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URL: http://www.gene-regulation.com/pub/databases.html

Proper Citation: Gene Regulation Databases (RRID:SCR_008033)

Description: In an effort to strongly support the collaborative nature of scientific research, BIOBASE offers academic and non-profit organizations free access to reduced functionality versions of their products. TRANSFAC Professional provides gene regulation analysis solutions, offering the most comprehensive collection of eukaryotic gene regulation data. The professional paid subscription gives customers access to up-to-date data and tools not available in the free version. The public databases currently available for academic and non-profit organizations are: * TRANSFAC: contains data on transcription factors, their experimentally-proven binding sites, and regulated genes. Its broad compilation of binding sites allows the derivation of positional weight matrices. * TRANSPATH: provides data about molecules participating in signal transduction pathways and the reactions they are involved in, resulting in a complex network of interconnected signaling components.TRANSPATH focuses on signaling cascades that change the activities of transcription factors and thus alter the gene expression profile of a given cell. * PathoDB: is a database on pathologically relevant mutated forms of transcription factors and their binding sites. It comprises numerous cases of defective transcription factors or mutated transcription factor binding sites, which are known to cause pathological defects. * S/MARt DB: presents data on scaffold or matrix attached regions (S/MARs) of eukaryotic genomes, as well as about the proteins that bind to them. S/MARs organize the chromatin in the form of functionally independent loop domains gained increasing support. Scaffold or Matrix Attached Regions (S/MARs) are genomic DNA sequences through which the chromatin is tightly attached to the proteinaceous scaffold of the nucleus. * TRANSCompel: is a database on composite regulatory elements affecting gene transcription in eukaryotes. Composite regulatory elements consist of two closely situated binding sites for distinct transcription factors, and provide cross-coupling of different signaling pathways. * PathoSign Public: is a database which collects information about defective cell signaling molecules causing human diseases. While constituting a useful data repository in itself, PathoSign is also aimed at being a foundational part of a platform for modeling human disease processes.

Abbreviations: Gene Regulation Public Databases

Synonyms: gene-regulation.com: Public Databases for Academic and Non-profit Organizations

Resource Type: data or information resource, topical portal, portal

Keywords: element, eukaryote, eukaryotic, expression, functionally, gene, genome, alignment, bind, binding site, cell, chromatin, collaborative, component, coupling, disease, dna, domain, human, matrix, molecular weight, molecule, mononucleotide, network, nucleotide, nucleus, pathological, protein, region, regulated, regulatory, scientific research, sequence, signaling, signal pathway, transcription factor, molecular neuroanatomy resource

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